Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty
All students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct for Academic Honesty as outlined in the PB Middle Student Planner.

Represent yourself as a caring and principled citizen of the United States and of the world when assigning, exploring, researching, designing, creating, sharing, posting, communicating, online or in person. Always use integrity and cite sources or document when you use someone else's intellectual property at all times, in everything you do.

Copyright and Fair Use: It's the law!

Although rules for copying and using another persons work can vary throughout the world, in the United States, if you create, design, record, or author art, documents, ideas, poems, webpages, or music you are the owner of your "intellectual property." Others cannot use or copy your work without your permission.

I can use a photo from the internet on my poster, right?

No! Unless the author of a page is the owner of the photo, and gives you permission to use images, pictures, graphics, comics, etc. it is illegal to use them in your report. Always request permission before copying an image from the Internet OR use images from a website or application that has already requested permission and allows "fair use". Microsoft Clip Art has many free images you can use safely

I can use a great quote without having to make a bibliography every time, right?


Resources for Academic Honesty

Help Me Cite
Citation Machine

United States Copyright
U.S. Copyright for Kids

World Copyright
Berne Convention

No. You must always cite your sources whether it's a book, Internet page or your friend's e-mail. Always cite your source within your document such as saying "according to Mike Turner" and also cite your sources by creating a list, bibliography, or works cited list, at the end of your assignment, webpage, powerpoint, etc. This is also helpful if others want to learn more about what you are reporting because they can go straight to the source.

I can just paraphrase or reword someone else's idea, right?

No. Unless you are just discussing common knowledge like dates of a war, or an event like the Civil Rights Movement, you should cite your source, just to be safe. If you didn't think of it yourself and it isn't your original idea, even if you don't quote an author or a source, you just reword their ideas, you must give credit or cite your source. Better safe than sorry.

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