Project Ideas Current and Past


-Positive greeters in the morning at the gate

-Two year mural project in the 100/200 blank wall

-Find dead links and help update the PB webpage

-Coordinate Mix it Up Day

-Try to get a microwave for students to use at lunch

-Organize a Postcard Pick-me-up party for

-Find a solution for the weird area under the staris in the media center

-Coordinate and lead a Walking or Rolling Team from Admiral Hartman Community Center

-Raise awareness about the need for donating your voice to help others who use assistive technologies to communicate

-Fix up and take care of the succulent planters at school

-Come up with guidelines and solutions for cutting down on paper posters and fliers around school

-Publish a list of project ideas for students who want to work with animals in San Diego

-Publish a list of project ideas for students who want to volunteer with children in hospitals, care facilitites, or foster care

-Publish project ideas for each category such as environment, health, children, animals (above)

-Design annual awards for businesses and houses that support ecologically friendly packaging, ocean-friendly gardens

-Update WIX Service page (see [email protected] to update)

NOTE: Unless otherwise approved, schoolwide fundraisers and collection are now allowed. We have a few fundraising/collection drive legacy type projects that will be run through Builders Club.


  • Redesign the Counseling Center
  • Setting up international penpals with students in France and Japan
  • Plan a Paddle-out for Clean Water inspired by Surfrider's Annual Paddle for Clean Water
  • Coordinate a lunch-time celebration, band, dance competition, or other event
  • Coordinate a Prejudice Reduction learning experience at PB Middle
  • Coordinating a Walking School Bus or Bicycle Train (see Builders Club)
  • Designing solutions to make our hallway traffice slower and less congested
  • Repainting the Murals
  • Design a project that gets to the root causes of poverty. Check-out "Beyond the Food Drive"
  • Researching how much food is thrown away by PB Middle Students
  • Maintaining the succulent planter boxes
  • Coordinating Spanish and Chinese Tutoring at lunch
  • Coordinating a Math, Science, and Design Night
  • Organizing photos from PB Middle History
  • Update stories from Surf Elders in PB
  • Researching and evaluating charities that are interesting to middle-schoolers
  • Creating a list of service project ideas for students who love animals
  • Creating a list and advocate for resources to pass the Language Other than English Test (LOTE)
  • Safe Routes to Schools
  • School Clean-up
  • The Truth about Cinco de Mayo
  • Field lettering repainted
  • Promoting Board Recycling and Coordination
  • Library Programming PBMS - Riddle of the Day
  • Taylor Library Children's Program
  • Arabic Language Lessons
  • Music lessons at Local Elementary Schools
  • Storefront Dinner Preparation
  • Beach Clean-up Coordinator
  • Water Conservation
  • Fair Trade Award program (7th graders)
  • Data Collection of Invasive Species in Rose Canyon
  • EUNIME Orphanage
  • Give Your Gear for Tijuana's Blue Tarp School
  • Mural Painting
  • Games Coordination at Senior Living Facility
  • Walk for Animals (Humane Society)
  • Kitten Season Blankets (Humane Society)
  • Adoption, Caring, and Training for House Bunnies
  • Seagulls in the Lunch-court - Watch out below!!!
  • Battery Recycling Program
  • Academic Honesty in the IB
  • What is IB to Me? Video Contest (yahoo! we won!!!)
  • PB Middle Military Student's Survival Booklet
  • Coordinating Building Communities Program
  • Art Sale for Cambodian Village Fund Water Filter Project
  • Strings for Seniors
  • Foster Children Christmas Event
  • Dia de los muertos at pbms.diadelosmuertos
  • Neighborhood Recycling Project to Benefit a Cause
  • Go Brown. Turn off your water and letter your lawn go brown. (Chloe P.)
  • Service Learning Opportunities (SLO) Find a service opportunity visit our webpage. (Ellie L. Krista P., Devin P.)
  • Curie Garden: Nina installed weather-resistant musical instruments in the Curie Elementary Garden
  • Recycled Art: Nick and Taylor raised awareness about the many uses for plastic water-bottles and the need to keep them out of the landfill by designing art with upscaled materials
  • SeaGull Trash: Zander worked on solving the problems of seagull spreading trash around campus after lunch. He researched solutions to stop seagulls from being able to get into our trashcans and therefore reducing the amount of trash on campus and keep it from going down the stormdrains. He was able to get trashcans with tight-fitting lids for the school. We still need help getting this project finished up if anyone is interested.
  • PB & J: McKenzie asked for donations of Sun Butter, Jelly, sandwich bags, and paper lunch bags to deliver PB & J sandwiches to homeless to show them PB Middle students care about them. (In collaboration with United Methodist on Thomas Street)
  • Rady's Children Hospital: Rain and Ashley are collected new coloring books, crayons and markers and delivered children in long-term hospital stays at Rady's Childrens Hospital.
  • Men's Homeless Outreach: Mathew, Andrew, Carter collected travel-sized men's hygiene items and $5.00 gift cards to be distributed to the homeless.
  • Beach Clean-ups: various
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